Stay Home, and Rent Your Furniture

Are you at home most of the week? 

Who would have thought that working in your pajamas can create a sustainable income?  People are doing this every day with their home and car. But, now you can do the same with the items sitting idle in your home, such as furniture.  

Are you are staying home because you are disabled, ill, retired, or taking care of your children? Or, are you simply part of the 7 million American workers working at home?1 Renting out your furniture is a great opportunity for you to consider. What furniture items do you have that can be rented to someone else moving to your city? For example, there are millions of students and young professionals that are in need of furniture every year. Students in Boston and Cambridge, MA attending colleges such as MIT, Harvard, Boston College, Boston University, and many others have this need.

Perhaps you want to make some design changes to your living environment, but you don’t want to sell your current furniture. Rent Items can quickly put your new design ideas into practice as you partake in the sharing economy. 

Are you a Stay-at-Home Parent?

Parenthood represents a big chunk of the American population; many parents opt to stay at home. Even if this trend is not escalating, it nonetheless represents a big chunk of the population.

Figure 1: 18% of U.S. parents are stay-at-home (2016 data)2


If you are a stay-at-home parent and want to make an extra income, this article is for you. Why? Because we have a solution for you to consider.

The Solution

Register as an owner with Rent Items, start posting your furniture and then let Rent Items’ team match you with prospective renters in your area. The cradle that your children no longer need or the extra baby beds can be helpful for other parents. The plus? You will still be able to preserve the item you may need or use that item again while allowing someone else to benefit and use it.  No matter what your item is, another parent might need it– now. Rent Items is here to match you with them…


Are you Ill or Disabled?

If you are disabled, it might be difficult to find a job or amass enough money to create a sustainable income. If you become disabled over time, we want to encourage you to see hope in your situation.  

Permanent or temporary, your disability can open the door for new experiences. Workers on disability represent such an important percentage of the U.S. population. While 3.6% might sound minor, consider the original number that 3.6% is the percentage of! For example, the population of Illinois is about 13 million. This means approximately 468,000 people are disabled in Illinois alone.

Figure 2: Data extracted from USA Today, 2018 article. 3

Illinois Florida Massachusetts
Workers on disability (as % of U.S. population) 3.6% 4.5% 4.6%

Remaining an Active Member of Society

Those who are disabled or ill, if possible, can and should still play a vital and fundamental role in society and the economy. At Rent Items, we want to provide ways for those how are disabled or ill to generate an income and socially engage with others in their community. Through the Rent Items marketplace, you can take the items you own in your house or apartment and rent them to your local community.  

Are you Retired?

“The nation is aging,”4 according to Luke Rogers, who is the Chief of the Population Estimates Branch at the Census Bureau. This fact is viewed negatively by many economists. The consequences of an aging population result in a lack of new entrants into the workforce. However, having more and more Americans retiring can be beneficial for the economy as well. Retirees are actually in a good shape thanks to medical advances and can participate in the market as much as when they were younger. 

Getting older? Remain proactive!Click To Tweet

Most retirees spend their time doing leisure and sports-related activities (see graph below). Figure 3: Data extracted from American Time Use Survey 2018.5  

retirement hours per day spent on leisure and sports

However, you may want to consider spending your days differently and more productively. 

Maybe you want more social interaction or make extra money, regardless it is still healthy to continue being proactive in your community. It could be that you really are appreciating everything you have right now, thus “living the dream” as they say. However, can you really run out of the desire of doing more for you, your family, or your community? It is critical to remain active as you get older.6 Staying active includes both mind and body. Being productive is good for both the body and mind. The benefits of doing useful and productive activities extend to every aspect of life, both physical and psychological. Rent Items is providing those who are retired with an opportunity to be active again or stay active and productive. 

Keeping or Share it?

Rent Items combines social interaction and community building with productive activities. It allows the retiree, or any owner of used furniture, the ability to make an income and free the space in your house. In addition, Rent Items also offers you the opportunity to do something for someone else. Retirement, for example, is not meant to be a time of rest and relaxation. It is time to stay alive and active in your community. To show the next generation how to give back to your community, get involved today by registering and becoming a member of the Rent Items’ community at
